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Old 06-09-2011, 12:16 PM
red tail red tail is offline
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Originally Posted by dillywho View Post
"I believe the prosecution's theory is that she used chloroform and duct tape to keep the child quiet so she could go out dancing and partying. I haven't followed the trial too closely, but early on with Cindy Anthony on the stand, the defense pointed out that Cindy received six phone calls at work from Casey on June 16th in a 15 minute period around 4pm.... something that was not normal for Casey to do. I have not heard any more about this, but if this is fact, in my opinion, this could be the timeframe when something happened to the child. This would put the timeframe of the "incident" way before dancing and partying at night."

I cut and pasted this from another thread on this same subject on TOTV (hope that's not illegal) and could explain why her cell phone pinged from the area of the house that afternoon. Maybe it was an accident and when she couldn't reach her mother, she totally panicked and the whole thing spiraled out of control. I, for one, don't think she's anywhere near all right which would explain her bizarre behavior since. If (and that's a big IF) this is what happened, it's kinda like a child that breaks something, hides it to cover up, and carries on as if it didn't happen, then becomes convinced over time that it really didn't happen. She initially said that she had been searching for Caylee herself, which we know now to be one of the many lies, because she didn't want to have to deal with her mother. Lee even testified that his mother had made threats to Casey about being an unfit mother, totally opposite to what Cindy said about her in her testimony.

I'm convinced that she is guilty of criminal behavior. I am not convinced any of that behavior is Murder One.

I really hope this trial will lead to some changes in FL law so that people can no longer be tried and convicted in the media. Evidence should be reserved for trial only. Only then do I think anyone can get anything that even resembles a fair trial.
it looks to me that folks on TOTV have pretty much found her guilty using the media which is all they have for their info! one should remember that things are not always as they appear. i think before making condemnations we should wait and see what the evidence shows. the defense hasnt even been on yet!