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Old 06-13-2011, 06:16 PM
collie1228 collie1228 is offline
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It's too bad someone dishonest found the purse. Having the opportunity to do the right thing is simply the best. Many years ago when I was in my early thirties, I was privileged to find over $300 dollars in cash just lying on the floor of a mall bathroom. I had my kids with me (ages about 8 and 12), and it was Christmas season and the extra cash would have been just great. But I took my kids and the money to the security office, gave it to them (the money, not the kids), left my name and wrote down the two security officers' names, just to keep them honest. We finished our shopping and we went home. Later that evening a guy my age showed up at my door, with tears in his eyes, to tell me that what I had found was all of his family's Christmas money, and he couldn't believe anyone would turn it in. He offered me some money, but I refused it. My kids remember that entire experience to this day, and I think they are both better people for it. I know I am. It ended up being one of the most gratifying events of my life.