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Old 06-14-2011, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by DaleMN View Post
Repubs are always complaining that we are leaving it to our grandchildren to pay for our deficit, yet seem more than willing to deprive them of their retirement benefits of Social Security and Medicare. Sure, as long as you are in your 60's and not affected it's a fine plan.
I have to agree with Richie. We were forced to pay into Social Security and Medicare. In my case, my retirement plan was developed using Social Security and Medicare as part of the plan. My retirement check was reduced at age 62 by what SS was estimated to pay me at age 62. At 65, Medicare became my primary and my company health insurance become my secondary.

I am sure that when the dust settles and they have made all of the changes to SS and Medicare there will be a grandfather clause to protect the current people that are paying into SS and Medicare (or a conersion plan) and a new system for the rest.

SS and Medicare as we know it will not be the same in the future and the grandkids, etc will not suffer and worse than we are.