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Old 06-19-2011, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by djplong View Post
Richie: I completely agree with you there.

But, as we all know, the Supreme Court declared, in essence that Money=Speech for corporations.

I wonder what the consequences would be if the concept of the corporation as an 'artificial citizen' were revoked and replaced with a much more limited set of rights and responsibilities.

And as I was typing that, another thought occurred to me... Isn't that sort of the same as wanting to rescind the citizenship of "anchor babies"? (Just read a column on the burgeoning Chinese industry of anchor-baby-tourism to give rich Chinese a long-term way to get out of China by taking maternity trips to the US)

The only difference is that "anchor babies" are real people and corporations are not.

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of the concept of our corporations buying up the government. I know Jefferson thought there was little in life that was more dangerous than a bank (the mega-corporation of it's time)
Are not companies, in effect, a gathering of people? How do you legally differentiate a person from his business? No matter what you decide, I'm sure a smart lawyer will figure out the loophole.