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Old 06-22-2011, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by katezbox View Post

I agree. The key signs that I like are those that tell you north and south after you come thru a tunnel. Too much signage can be really confusing - and it requires upkeep.

A few tips for newbies:

1. Do the early morning exploring as a couple of posters recommended.

2. Ask to have someone from TOTV show you around - many are willing to help.

3. Buy the map - take a look at it before you head out.

4. As Russ says, stay out of roundabouts. (i.e. rotaries as we would say)

5. Ask for help when needed.

It looks far more complex than it is. You will get the hang of it in no time.
All great advice. Additional suggestions:
  • If you don't already have one, put a compass in your golf cart.
  • Give yourself extra time if you are traversing unfamiliar section(s) of the cart paths.
  • The signs are not hard to follow, if you take the time to follow them. If you are unsure which way to go, it's perfectly ok to stop and digest what's on the sign. It's way more ok than going the wrong way on a cart path or road.
  • Trust the signs! Yes, sometimes you might be circling around and it might feel as if you are going back in the direction you came or going away from the road your trying to follow. Don't worry. It's temporary. Do what the sign says and you'll come out where you were trying to go.
If all else fails, simply stop and look lost and confused. Someone will stop and point you in the right direction. It's The Villages way.