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Old 06-27-2011, 02:51 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
PTurner your points are well taken. However if a person moved anywhere else in 2005-2006 they may have paid top dollar for the property but they would have least been able to pick and chose what went into the house fixtures, counters, colors, various design, applicances ,etc. People buying here, then were told take it or leave it. I know some people who bought then and ended up gutting out their homes to replace items of their choice.
I understand this if these were old homes and you bought and remodeled but when you remodel a new home to the tune of $50,00???????????
I gave my sales woman a list of what I wanted in a house and told her to call me if she found one.... she did three weeks later with every single upgrde I requested

My only position for this thread was to share my beleif that best practices would suggest that before rendering an opinion about a developer you might want to look deeper than the end product.

I am an analytical thinker by nature and investigate by training. While I told another member that the wool was pulled over my eyes, the fact is that my initial impressions of TV and how it operates were known to me before I purchased. My mistake was in believing that it would all get better and eventually change with time.

Bottom line for me like most here is that I am going to make the best of it.
I suppose what I fail to do is acknowledge more my appreciation for the wonderful people, like you, that I have met here, the pleasure with golfing with them and the social interactions at the town centers, etc.

What I tell my friends here is that I learned how to work well but failed all my life at learning to play. Its taking me some real effort to shed those old ways...and it is beginning to annoy my bride. and as you know bride's are always right
Implying that most are going to make the best of it...says we are all unhappy but making the best of it. I do not think this is true and you are way off base.
There may be a few others like you but to say most.....?