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Old 07-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Only Problem

Rubicon, I agree with your note. The only concern I have is leaving alcohol
out of the category. I know the difference is legal vs illegal but it is still a
terrible scurge when abused. The numbers grow significantly when alcohol is thrown into the stew.
(As an aside..I continue to believe there is a place for marijuana for certain
medical conditions and it should be available. But again, the judges and social worker are abusing this and authorizing for things like back ache, etc. I had a neice who died from a brain tumor and my sister was able to get her some for her disease. She was 26 and an Officer in the Army as an attorney when she passed away. I am bias when it comes to people in pain and would be the first to see if I could get it for them..!!).