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Old 07-21-2011, 04:13 PM
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duffysmom duffysmom is offline
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GG I can only share my experience with an EZ Go electric cart. We love it and purchased it at Town & Country in SS. We bring the cart to them montly and they check the water and tires for us, no charge.. We had a problem with ripping the Sunbrella and they replaced it for FREE. When we rented we drove a gas cart which I HATED. It smelled and was noisey as well. I use my cart every day and travel from one end of TV to the other and have never had a problem with running out of power since the cart is one of the newer long range electric carts. Recently my sister was interested in purchasing a cart and we found the gas carts still too loud and smelly. It's a personal preference. Go the different dealers and drive their carts, it won't take long for you to find a favorite. Personally I would never drive a street legal cart, too dangerous out on the roads with all those pick ups and landscaper trucks darting in and out of traffic. One of the best things for me as a Villager is my quiet cart and how I feel more in touch with nature while driving on our beautiful cart paths. I'm pleased to know that you along with Sweetie and Helene will be joining me as full time lovers of TV.

Last edited by duffysmom; 07-21-2011 at 04:58 PM.