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Old 09-21-2011, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
The political forum once upon a time used to offer up various opinions and debates on matters of concern and substance for America.
The substance went out the window prior to the 2008 election and the first year there after.

When substance was sought once again by some of us, those who frequented and threw the most stones at ANY opposition no longer frequent the forum. Some may be back under new screen names...some do sound like others from the past.

Now as we approach another campaign season, in my opinion it is nigh unto impossible to garner ANY type of discussion of significance on subjects that matter to the future of our beloved America. Too many have only one objective and that is to constantly snipe and bait and put down anything they disagree with (almost the definition of a bigot). Substance or a real discussion about an issue is never entertained.

The partisan positioning used to be amusing and entertaining when there was at least a smattering of substance. There are far to many posters now whose objective is to do nothing but pounce on ANY opposing views with very derogatory, personal and general accusations. It is OK to have an opinion, but to continue to insist the opinion is gospel no matter the subject is becoming weary and boring. The pattern is all the same. It never issue discussion.

So for me the caliber of the political forum is moving from entertaining to border line obnoxious.....with way to many partisan commercials. Calling them commercials is more of a complimentary reference than should be assigned.

I hang in here just to see how far it will deteriorate. And then of course I have the ultimate hope of being around when Obama either does not win the democratic nomination or loses if he does. Then I want to see how long it takes this new genre of partisans to disappear....just like their predecessors did when they could no longer in good conscience defend the man they thought they elected.

There. I feel better already.



This board is not near what it used to be and understand those jumping ship from here.