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Old 09-21-2011, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ilovetv View Post
I think the lack of substance you cite is directly related to the lack of substance in most of what the media report about the political candidates and issues.

Everything is based on the 30-second soundbite. The debates sponsored by the major networks like CNN or Foxnews end up allowing candidates to answer in only 30-second soundbites.....that often end up as the single thing that can make or break their whole run for office.

An example would be how one single statement of a few words is what sticks in our minds about Bachmann in the last debate: “To have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just wrong.”

Powerful, lasting words that we now think of immediately when we hear her name. All news articles about her now are based on that one statement, and it's being cited as the final blow to her dying campaign.

Now without getting into trashing or championing Bachmann, I don't think that one statement should become the sum total of all the woman's substance.

If she were the substance-free moron that many say she is, how in the world did historic, prestigious William & Mary Law School grant her degree in tax law??? (See: ) Nobody who's stupid graduates from a school like William & Mary!

I really think the 30-second sound bite on t.v. is a big part of the problem. To me, it was refreshing to see the extended DIALOGUE that took place, for example, when Hillary Clinton was interviewed in 2008 by Bill O'Reilly. They were well-matched in debating the issues, and she took things in stride and laughed when he would say things (somewhat jokingly) like "C'mon!!!!! Your ideas for spending on healthcare are gonna ruin the country!" She took it in stride and explained clearly the substance and concepts of her proposals.

This rarely happens in other interview or debate formats on t.v. and I think it's what's draining the substance from what we are allowed to see about the candidates via t.v.
I watched the whole video. I was never a Hillary fan, but after listening to her, Obama seems like a dunce. Obama is the worst joke that the mainstream media ever pulled on the American people.