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Old 09-22-2011, 08:24 PM
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Default My Thoughts

I have been in the political thread since it was moved to this special area.

The reason it was moved was because it got pretty nasty.

Then it got fairly reasonable.

Now it is back to nasty and sniping.

I think that the PAC6 as I think they are called in some posts - but I haven't really figured who they are because I count more than 6 that regularly post and banter about (or snipe when they decide to) - are trying to outdo each other and forget that there are others that actually want to discuss the threads.

If these few can forget the name calling and snide remarks and stick to the subjects at hand, I think the politcal thread would be a place to discuss the pros and cons of the various candidates when the 2012 election rolls around.

At least I hope so.