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Old 09-25-2011, 08:49 AM
Doodlegirl Doodlegirl is offline
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Default I've lived in FL for nearly 40 yrs

and have found the best landscaping to be Florida native grasses, trees, and
shrubs...some, of course, must be trimmed to keep tidy. However, moving
to The Villages from the Boca Raton area I have found a basic lack of these available in local nurseries. Now I ask friends visiting from South Florida to bring me some when they visit!!!!

The Senate did pass the Florida Friendly landscaping plans (xeriscaping for e.g.) and many HOA's in South Florida particularly are having a difficult time accepting these changes with landscaping rules written 30 or so years ago in their documents. However, while we are basically surounded by salt water, we are at risk with water for irrigation. And, if the water for irrigation is dangerous for humans and animals to drink, it isn't something I really want on my lawn...just sayin'. Look at your sprinkler system and see if there is that notation on yours.

The latest issue of the POA bulletin has a list of some of those grasses, and
the local agricultural extension agency can also help in identifying those which are not only beautiful, but encouraged for birds and bees and butterflies. Remember that a grass lawn likes some shade too, that makes all
the difference in how one landscapes and the type of grass and ornamental grasses selected.

Sadly, my cyv is entirely hardscaped along the side and back with a gazillion tons of river rock. I may be tilting the earth and causing global warming. It is a real struggle to bring oxygen back, but I'm working on it with my Florida grasses. Just wish our local nurseries would supply and stock more.