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Old 09-29-2011, 08:07 PM
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Default If you're not in Red Sox nation, you can't understand....

I am a Colorado Rockies fan. I am a Denver Broncos fan. I am a Chicago Blackhawks fan. I am a Phoenix Suns fan. I cheer for Argentina's Blue and White in the World Cup. So, my disappointment is a year 'round event but is usually short lived. I marvel and appreciate the dedication of the Red Sox fans. I don't understand it BUT I CONGRATULATE them on their fanaticism and loyalty. Although their team didn't do it this year, they will continue to support them, and that is GREAT!!

My friend from Beantown sent me this email and spells it out real well. He writes:

"I am upset and depressed.
I mean, I really am.
It happened again!
Red Sox baseball season is over too soon.
We just lived through another Red Sox collapse...the worst ever.
Can never get used to this happening.
You may think..........................get over it, get a life.
Unless you are a member of "Red Sox Nation", you don't get never
Red Sox are a large part of our lives in Massachusetts/New England.
They are a huge topic of conversation (probably #1) in coffee shops, bars and
work all over.
To members of "The Nation", Red Sox baseball is our religion.
They drive us crazy all the time.
They are the love of our lives.
2004 proved that.
What do we do from here?
We move on.
It is almost like someone in your family dying.
We have to have our mourning period.
We will move on.

When it comes right down to it, though, we love our team no matter what. They
are a wonderful distraction from reality. We live for this team day-by-day and
it's always tantalizing watching them play no matter what happens. As a
lifelong member of Red Sox Nation, I do live and die with them.

If you don't get it, watch the movie "Fever Pitch".

We always have one of our least liked and much used statements..........


I will be there with hope, optimism and and enthusiasm."