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Old 11-05-2011, 06:07 PM
ilovetv ilovetv is offline
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Leeddog, once you are here most of the year or year-round, the cooler winter months in Dec. thru Feb. are a treat after the hottest months of July, August, September. The sun shines almost every day and that makes up for any "cold" days when it is 60 degrees out in the winter. You can go to and other weather sites to look up the historical high and low temperatures for various cities in FL or other states. At this link, you can choose the month and year (past) to see actual temps in previous years. In January, 2011, many days had high temps of high 70's and sometimes 80 degrees:

We've met people many times who retired in more southern and coastal areas of FL have moved here because of the endless amenities, little crime, decent cost of living, and hundreds more clubs/activities than one person can schedule into their day/week/month.