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Old 12-11-2011, 08:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Hi Barb .... Thanks for the info! How long did you take warfarin? I can't help feeling there is something unhealthy about ingesting rat poison. But I guess it saves lives! Did you have any side effects? I have less energy than before my knee surgeries, but perhaps that's a normal reaction, while I'm still recovering. My blood clots started in my legs and moved to my lungs. Did you have your INR levels checked twice a week through blood tests. When you had blood clots in your lungs, were they painful?

I've been told I'll be on Warfarin for six months. I've decided that taking blood thinners is way more important for me right now than having any vanity procedures. Even tho I see my grandmother when I look in the mirror!
I took it for about five side effects. Wasn't pleased to learn the composition of the med, but when blood clots are there, what's the alternative? If the rat poison keeps you alive, then there's no choice, yes?

My CA125 this test was too high so I must go back on chemo. Again, chemo not only kills cancer, but it can also be destructive to other parts of your body. Scary, but there isn't really many choices. I stopped chemo five yrs ago (my choice). Was never in remission, yet the cancer growth slowed down for me to be able to refuse the chemo. Now that the count in so high, it's back to chemo again.

I never suffered any pain from chemo or blood clots but was wiped out of energy and strength which never returned as I'm still very weak.

My INR tests were twice a month after having been taking it for so long.

Maybe you should get a new mirror <grin> because from what I see, you're very attractive. Forget about the is so disfiguring and looks so fake. You have excellent genes and don't spoil your good looks with that junk. IMO.....b
Lexington MA, Chelmsford MA, Nashua NH, The Villages, Florida

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