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Old 12-14-2011, 03:46 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Originally Posted by Mudder View Post
villagesPL, you sound like a very rigid person, I hope you enjoy your life.
I am enjoying my life. I have everything.

There are many many drug free villagers your age and older who love life, friends, sports and food.
I'm aware of that. I told the story on the health board of the couple (ages about 98 and 99) who said they were drug free. They are the ones I admire and look up to. They are my role models. This year I shook hands with a man who is 106 and I felt honored to do so. He was at a book signing for his book of poems.

Everything you said above fits my life. I love life, friends, sports and food. But I choose to eat healthy whole foods for two reasons. 1) I get tremendous enjoyment from doing so, and 2) I have learned from reading and personal experience that there's a great payoff, health wise.

Moderation is the key to good health overall, not depervation.
The whole concept of moderation, as it is usually practiced, is a big fraud. It has come to mean moderation of junk food and it was first promoted by the food industry. What it means is: The average person is now eating junk food in moderation. It should be applied to natural whole foods. In which case, moderation would mean that you eat a wide variety of natural whole foods, rather than just eating potatoes, for example. But because the average person has become addicted to junk food, they now follow along and swear allegiance to it.

Yes, there are many older people who are drug free. However, there are many more who are not. By age 65, 9 out of 10 people take at least one medication. By age 75, the average person takes 3 or more medications. And 5 or 6 medications is not uncommon.

Last edited by Villages PL; 12-15-2011 at 02:36 PM.