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Old 12-27-2011, 11:09 PM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is online now
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Originally Posted by graciegirl;***193
I don't think that all villagers are upper middle class but I really haven't met anyone who lived in the villages that needed a free meal.

AND there is no shame in that. You work hard all of your life and save and are careful how you spend your money and you plan and sacrifice in order to reach that level.

That doesn't mean that people that do need a free meal are bad or to be looked down on. It just means that we are no longer working and have a way to pay the bills when we are retired.

But of course that doesn't mean that there aren't a few people who would try to get anything for free.

I think Havana did a great service for folks who perhaps were going to be alone for Christmas. Also they provided "delivery" as well. There are those whose partner may be an invalid or very ill so they both can't get out. I'm VERY impressed with a restaurant that would do this for their community!! It was about "giving" and not expecting "something" in return.