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Old 12-30-2011, 11:47 PM
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Default Santa Rally, Day 5 results

Santa Rally 7-day period, follow-up continues...

SP 500 ETF proxy: SPY
Day 1, 12/23..: +0.89%
Day 2, 12/27..: +0.08%
Day 3, 12/28..: (-1.31%)
Day 4, 12/29..: +1.03%
Day 5, 12/30..: (-0.49%)
Day 6, Jan. 3..:
Day 7, Jan. 4..:

On a 5-day compounded results, SPY is up a mere 0.18%. Not a big +, but better than a (-). Next 2 days will decide the fate of this year's Santa Rally or Rally-less. As stated in an earlier message, the Santa Rally has averaged a +1.6% gain during the 7-day period (over the years 1969 thru 2009). The Santa Rally has worked 75% of the time. Nothing is perfect.

Stay tuned for the next 2 days to close out the Santa Rally period, and also launch the first 2 days of the 'January Effect' which encompasses the entire month. The saying goes something like...."As goes January, so goes the rest of the year." That, too, doesn't always pan out. Because if it always worked, then it would eventually fail. No crystal ball allowed <g>.

Happy New Year!


ps: Save a spot for Kathy and me in TV;
We'll become TV frogs in 2013.
We're vacationing there Feb. 5-12, 2012 --
(renting a house in Duval.)