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Old 01-20-2012, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by PJ View Post
Graciegirl you said everything better than I could've, and covered most of my reasons for moving here.

Here's how I found TV:
I had never heard of TV, and never even saw the commercials, so it was a miracle that I learned about it.

The mother of a friend of my daughter was driving North on 441 from visiting friends in Miami, returning to her home in Maine. She drove past the previous sales center on 441, which was the building across from the P.O., now La Badega (sp?). She was immediately drawn to the beautiful Spanish architecture, turned around and went inside to use the restroom. She fell in love with the tile in the ladies room, then went to a sales person, and bought a house! She had never intended to ever leave Maine and move to Fl, but she loves it here!

So, when I was getting ready to move somewhere warmer, and considering AZ or CA, my daughter suggested I take a look at The Villages. It was an easy decision, for so many reasons. I've thanked her many times for her suggestion, and I thank God every day for this place.
PJ -- Loved your post! Must have been fate that brought your daughter's friend's mom to TV and you too!