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Old 02-09-2012, 09:48 PM
mommieswamie mommieswamie is offline
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Yes - I am aware that John and Adam are nurse practioner and physicians assistant. Frankly, I forget which is which. Yes - there is a supervising physician - Dr. William Goellner. Yes - if I am seriously injured or ill I am going to the ER, but there are times when an urgent care center is an appropraite place to seek medical care. Of course those times are a personal decision.

I do not know what urgent care center the OP visited, but he stated that he arrived at the hospital with paper work designed to ease the registration process at the hospital. It was questioned whether or not that was possible at an urgent care center. I was merely relating my personal experience and confirming that indeed it was possible.

It is not my intention to facilite a debate about the merits of an urgent care center vs. an ER. As all things in life there are choices and one must make the best choice given the circumstances, whatever they are.