Thread: Girl Talk
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Old 02-11-2012, 06:26 PM
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lightworker888 lightworker888 is offline
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I have a scale that does the weight, Fat, water and Muscle percentages and bone, so I weigh myself every day before showering. I used to not do it regularly and added pounds without really knowing it, until I needed larger clothes. When I food combine I can drop down to my regular weight, but have never been able to lose and keep off the extra 5 pounds that I would like to. Now that I'm on an Lugol's iodine and salt protocol, my thyroid is getting back to balance so perhaps I can shed the extra bit, but it is not a major concern. I figure as long as I feel healthy and can maintain a stable weight, I'm ahead of the game.

One thing that I noticed with the scale is that when I don't do Tai Chi or dancing or some form of weight bearing activity regularly, the weight may go down, but the fat goes up and the muscle goes down, because the fat weighs less than the muscle. So I have learned that it isn't about the total weight as much as it is about keeping the fat% lower. And that is a challenge, especially when we are in TV and eating out more. Wish we could spot lose as most of the extra fat is around the middle.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Lao-tzu