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Old 06-05-2012, 02:32 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Smile Nutrition: People are being dumbed down by industry and media

To a certain extent, people are being dumbed down by the food industry and the media. Here's an example: In central Florida, there's a doctor of nutrition whose job it is to inform people about nutrition. She shows up on various radio programs as a guest to talk about nutrition and health. The most important piece of information she seeks to communicate to the public is that, "there is no such thing as bad food; it's all about portion sizes."

Over all the many years that I heard her deliver that message, I never heard her say who her employer was. Then one day I learned from a newspaper source that she is employed by a large supermarket chain. Is it any wonder why she would deliver the above message for her supermarket employer? About 3/4 of the food sold in supermarkets is processed junk. And they hope to sell it.....the more the better.

Most dieticians will tell you the same thing. I once went to a lecture given by a dietician in The Villages. She also worked for a supermarket chain and insisted that there is no such thing as a "bad food". She said whether it's candy, white bread or sugary soda, it's okay as long as you can fit the calories into your daily allotment of calories.

So, people are drinking the supermarket cool aid. The food industry is telling us what we should think and people are falling for it. The idea of "moderation" was also started many years ago by the food industry and today just about everyone is on board with that concept.

Is it any wonder we have a problem with the growing numbers of people who are overweight and obese?