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Old 06-05-2012, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
When you and I were young, dad went to work and mom stayed home and took care of things. She cleaned the house, sewed, ironed, washed, hung the clothes out, cooked, planted a garden, canned and baked.

Now two people go off to work, and the children who are too young for school go to day care. The same time and attention given to making a home and providing healthy meals is no longer there. Moms work long hours and fly all over the country, dads do too. The houses are not as clean and the meals are no longer home prepared.

You cannot fault a supermarket chain for selling what people want to buy and you can't blame everything on poor nutritional choices. There just isn't as much time and so people are grabbing things that are fast and easy and not good for you in the long run. Parents are working on their childrens morals and studies and having a little fun too. It isn't the same as it was.

I think your diet choices are interesting but just not something that you can talk most people into. They really aren't as good as you think they are in my humble opinion. I think I eat healthier. But I don't preach about it.

One of the biggest differences from back then to now is that nutrition isn't taught in school any more.

You haven't mentioned what your cholesterol numbers are and your bp and your vitamin D blood levels and and your thyroid test results. Do you have these things tested?

Good nutrition and a good physician and a great spouse and a place to live that encourages a lot of moving around is so good for all of us as we age.
Great real world post Gracie. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fantasy world.
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