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Old 06-10-2012, 10:58 AM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Originally Posted by Shimpy View Post
You guys are getting way too complicated for me. I was in mutual funds since the early 80's, usually T.Row Price, Fidelity and Vanguard. I didn't like the idea that I couldn't get the buy price I wanted. Instead I had to get the price at the end of the trading day, and selling likewise. I also didn't like the idea that I had to keep a fund for a certain time so not to violate their frequent trading policies.
I got out of mutual funds completely and into dividend stocks. I only buy mostly large cap stocks that have been paying an increasing dividend for many years. I now own 19 stocks that pay anywhere from 3.5 to 6.0 % and am reinvesting them. It's nice to watch the stock market go up and down and be getting paid while waiting. Since buying dividend stocks, I have sold 3 stocks because they went up to the point that I couldn't pass up the profit. I sold another one at a loss because it looked like a bad decision. Turned out it would have been better to keep it. All but 3 of my stocks are up since I've bought them and I am way ahead of where I would have been with mutual funds. I like to keep it simple and if I don't understand something I won't get into it. I created a watch list of stocks that look good to me, set a price where I want to get in and wait for a bad day in the market to buy. Works for me.
Shimpy. I alsohave some dividend paying stocks; albeit i trust my funds with Vanguard. However keep in mind if Obama has his way you wand I will be paying an a much higher taxes for capital gains and didviends and losingmore than 1/3 of our returns. Apparently he thinks we are in that 1%. Hmmmm