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Old 06-12-2012, 09:18 AM
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billethkid billethkid is offline
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When he was done the night he performed I told my wife he was a phony. First of all it was obvious the stutter was phony as he was in and out of it. If anyone has ever been around some one with a real stutter problem it would be immediately apparent.

And maybe more than the above, most of our heros returning from the mid east with missing limbs and more are ever so humble. It was obvious this phony was going to milk the warrior lie.

We can only hope he gets what he deserves.

For starters he should be tossed off the AGT show. If they do not then they will also be guilty of milking the sensationalism of the lie.

He needs to be tossed and field stripped of his rank and rescind his honorable discharge.
