Thread: Bain Capital
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Old 07-13-2012, 11:03 PM
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Default Coud Be A Disqualifier

First, in my opinion I don't think it means used beans when Mitt Romney left the direct management of Bain Capital. He owns the firm and still does! They had companies they owned declare bankruptcy before and after he was CEO, and they will in the future. Some of their portfolio companies outsourced jobs overseas while he was CEO, after, and will in the future if it will improve profitability and increase the value of the companies Bain owns. That was his job! That's capitalism. When he left Bain doesn't make him more or less qualified to be POTUS.

HOWEVER...falsifying government filings, which was alleged and now appears to be proven...unfortunately, that IS a material issue as regards his candidacy. It doesn't make him less competent as a presidential candidate, but the criminal nature of the offense(s), whether intended or not, could be a disqualifying factor in the election.

In much the same way that an unintended drug can disqualify an athlete from a competition or not knowing the law doesn't excuse an offense, Romney could be in deep...used beans...on this one.