Thread: CO Shooting
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Old 07-20-2012, 06:28 AM
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Default CO Shooting

Before this gets all political, let's actually wait for the official investigation to release information on the shooter and not listen to all the talking heads saying the same thing over and over.

Everyone can make guess of who, what, when, where, why and how. But until facts are known or discovered its all a guessing game and talking heads want to keep you glued to their station. Me, I am going to wait until officials give their news conference to get the facts straight and not jump to any conclusions.

The endless chatter of the heads is meaningless with out facts to back up anything that they say.

Let's hope that the gun banners wait until facts are released before jumping to ban all firearms. Let's put the blame where it belongs, on the individual who did this act and not the objects that he used.