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Old 08-18-2012, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by njbchbum View Post
such a simple solution to dog poop at the mail stations - place signs at each station that state "no dogs allowed" and remove the trash cans! your dog's poop and your junk mail can all be deposited in the same trash can at home!

what could be easier?
Seems heavy handed just so people can socialize at the mail center without smelling something bad. Garbage stinks. If someone put some food into the garbage cans at the mail center, it would start to stink in the heat after several hours.

People should pick up the poop but have a reasonable place to put it like a trash receptacle.

NYC boroughs see 145,000 tons of dog poop per year. Most of this is thrown into city trash cans. I wonder what happens to the poop in NYC, when they take away the trash cans??