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Old 08-23-2012, 09:29 PM
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Default Designing a new build

Originally Posted by rbryan92 View Post
My wife and I are new to the TOTV and have only been following for a short time but the advice and information shared is very valuable. We have purchased in Unit 208 and have selected to build a Lantana. Our Design Team meeting is scheduled for Sept 4-6 and have done considerable homework to prepare but still looking for last minute advice.

We know to "stretch" wherever possible which is our intention along with adding a golf cart garage and pool. For those that have recently gone through the Design Team meetings would you have any advice for us?

Appreciate any and all information
Welcome to TOTV!
We're in 208 and building a Lantana as well.
We spoke to our sales person and queried her as to the manufacturer of the kitchen cabinets. We were told and contacted the company and rec'd their catalog. Now we don't have our design meeting until Nov. but we'll see if we can make changes (that may not be a usual change) and how much extra it will cost. So if there is anything you've seen in the models that you just don't like, I would discuss with your sales agent.

You don't have too much time left...

Good luck!