Thread: Attack Dog
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:22 PM
Skybo Skybo is offline
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Golf21, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience, that must have been very scary for both of you. Your description of the dogs sounds very familiar to me. I recently saw a guy with two large unleashed dogs walking along the cart path and grassy areas on the south side of 466a. I was driving my car at the time, so I didn't get a real good look at them, especially the man. Being a dog owner, I was more focused on the dogs and was worried that they might run into the street. But as soon as I read your description, I immediately saw those dogs in my mind's eye and I think the ones I saw looked very much like the ones who attacked you. My point is, this may not be an isolated incident with this guy (walking his dogs unleashed). I would suggest that everyone traveling in that area keep an eye out and that they call the authorities if they see this guy and his dogs. perhaps even snap a photo, if possible. I don't agree with letting dogs off leash, but even so, I wouldn't normally bother to report it. However if I see dogs that fit your description, I will certainly report them.