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Old 10-28-2012, 04:47 PM
Mack184 Mack184 is offline
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Originally Posted by perrjojo View Post
When you exit I75 at the Belleview exit there are always a large number of men and women living under the overpass there. They take turns panhandleing at the intersection. I hate driving by there. Why do I hate it so much? Maybe some guilt and discomfort that there are those who have so little. I don't know their story but it pains me all the same. On the other hand there are some who make quite a nice sum holding those signs and playing on our heart strings.
There is the problem...How do you decide? While there are many who game the system, there are also many who are truly needy. My instant reaction is almost always negative, yet I am very blessed, and while I cannot go out and buy a Rolls or a yacht, I want for nothing. The Bible tells us that "to whom much is given, much is expected".

There often seems to be an attitude by those who have that those who do not, have not, because they are lazy. For some people, that's very true. But we live in an age where many who managed to get along with very little have had one serious thing or another upset their entire apple cart, and they are now in serious trouble.

The truth is there are many who suddenly find themselves in these circumstances are the least likely to seek out welfare or other types of assistance. These are not the people who know how to game the system and they often have too few resources to find their way back. I have no trouble trying to help people like these.

Then there are the ones who learn how the game the system and every single one of it's social benefits from day one. They know every line & every scam. I have no care for these people.

But HOW do you decide or know who is whom at a single glance? Jesus said that by helping the poor "people have entertained angels without knowing it".

My feeling is that there are good, decent charities who do good work and don't waste the money that they receive. Pick one or two to donate to, or give money at your church. Put aside some canned or boxed goods for a local food pantry. I think that helps answer the question.

And as mentioned by several posters, if the street people are not bothering you, then leave them alone. They're not hurting you.
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