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Old 11-02-2012, 08:49 PM
Mack184 Mack184 is offline
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Except..We're not going to be there full time until January. They want us to sign a non-cancellable 12 month contract NOW essentially sight-unseen. A contract that my father-in-law says is priced way too high with too little service for the money.

My father-in-law will take care of the lawn until we arrive, but I really don't want him to do put in the extra work, although he says he'd enjoy it.

My wife's parents who live in Belvedere never heard of the company & none of their friends have either. I couldn't get any definitive comments from the sellers because they are not only getting rid of their home, they're getting rid of their marriage at the same tiime, so communication wasn't great on that side.

My gut feeling is to "just say no", have my FIL take care of things until we arrive and start fresh. But I thought that I'd ask here to see if anybody had any experiences with them first.

"I did not get into rock-n-roll just to pick up chicks. However..I was able to adapt". Ted Nugent