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Old 12-08-2012, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by gamby View Post
In CT. it's a felony crime for a doctor to give false information on a handicap parking application . A doctor under oath will sign the application.

Many people are so lazy they just go to their doctor and complain of some condition just to get a parking permit. I've seen people that really need a close parking space only to see all the spaces full, watching these I notice many people come out of a store carrying lumber ,gas grills, arms full of food bags etc. getting into their vehicle in a restricted handicap parking space. Maybe a few do need parking but if you can walk 100ft without a medical device such as a wheelchair or walker you don't qualify .
I can understand where you're coming from in your underlying message here, but with all due respect your last sentence tells me that you're out of touch with some of the realities of being handicapped.

I have qualified for a handicapped placard and possesed one for several years now and for multiple justifications... and I can walk for more than 100 ft, not comfortably, but I can. Did you stop to think that it goes well beyond just walking from the car to the entrance of a store; that ones endurance while at the store can be a big issue and that having enough strength left to make it back to the store is necessary? I'll bet not!

One thing I can personally assure you is that if I didn't need that handicapped placard and parking space, I wouldn't have invested around $3600 for each mobility scooter I've owned, and I wouldn't have invested well over $50,000 for a specially designed mobility vehicle that's capable of kneeling and deploying a ramp so I can drive off then back onto the vehicle... unless someone blocked my ramp door because they failed to see (or worse ignored) the conspicious notice on the ramp door notifying them that space for the deployment of the ramp was needed!

I could say more, but I've already said more that I should have to!
At my age rolling out of bed in the morning is easy.
Getting up off the floor is another story.