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Old 12-17-2012, 09:16 AM
senior citizen senior citizen is offline
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
I agree with Senior Citizen's comments about having common sense to have basics in your pantry, food in your freezer, light and cooking sources, gas in the car, and bottled water. Even here in The Villages, there is a possibility for a few days of no electricity or natural gas during or after a severe storm.

Of course, not Senior Citizen's reason of "This way, when a blizzard hits or roads are icy for long periods of time, everyone is fine without venturing out." I am DONE with those days!!!

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.......

If we lived in The Villages, we would do the same........especially the water......just in the event of a hurricane, tornado or some type of gas or chemical leak from a truck accident on the highway, etc.....often neighborhoods are evacuated.

We actually began "stockpiling" (not in the amounts of those preppers) back in 1999 when all the computers were supposed to crash in 2000 I believe?? EVERYONE UP HERE WAS DOING IT. Not just us.

At our age now, it's just easier to have tons and tons of paper supplies in the walk in closets, cleaning supplies, etc., etc. so as not to always be running to the drugstore items in the hall closet near the bathrooms........and a fully "overstocked" pantry/freezers.

We are not Mormons but my husband believes they have the right idea.

After 911 we did get surgical masks which we never used, plus rolls of plastic as everyone else was doing (in case we had to cover the windows). Again, never had to........but our government was advising such. After 911, our state and our town in particular saw a HUGE SURGE OF FOLKS FROM MANHATTAN, NEW YORK AND NEIGHBORING BURROUGHS.....PLUS NORTHERN N.J. flocking to move up they perceived us to be "safe".

Actually, we are the evacuation "relocation" for Connecticut I believe.
So, just so everyone knows, we have TONS of toilet paper.

We've been very very fortunate but other parts of our state and neighboring states have been WITHOUT services for up to two weeks or more due to natural disasters.

Of course we were just saying the other day, that even if those folks, some of which were our relatives, on Staten Island New York and THE JERSEY SHORE, New Jersey.........had stocked up or stockpiled, it might have all been WASHED AWAY IN THE FLOOD WATERS.

I guess none of us can be totally prepared. But CASH is a good idea and important papers "handy" water and energy bars or granola bars to bring in the car........