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Old 12-18-2012, 08:59 AM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Originally Posted by EdV View Post
And for the last two years or so I have painstakingly explained to everyone why that will not happen. Yet a few of you (emphasis on the word few) insist on dismissing me without even taking the time to discuss the facts simply because I’m not a TV resident. But you’ll accept the fear mongering of an Orlando columnist who lives 50 miles from here. Go figure.

If you disagree with my stated opinions and postings on the IRS issue, why not address them specifically instead of shooting from the hip and dissing me just because I live next door.

But I do wish to thank those of you that have expressed appreciation for my posts on this subject even though you may not always agree or may continue to have some doubts.
EdV: In the interest of balanced reporting here I advance:

First, we are to ignore the comments of an investigative reporter, whom you believe has never had contact with the IRS but hang onto your every word.

Secondly, it should be clear by now that while there maybe a few of skeptics who address this thread there are more out there who just review and stay silent but wonder.

Given one and two then, it would behoove you to explain (and I am not being argumentative but seek information) why you are "the"authority here. Also dispite the fact that this is one of the most talked about topics in The Villages why people are still concerned but left with no definiitive answers. Because if there wasn't anything to concern us this topic would never appear here on TOTV or the POA Newsletter. It does because it is material to many residents

Your suggestion to me was then hire an attorney"" is instructive in that it makes clear we are all on our own here. So what happen to those taxes, fees etc residents have been paying to the Villages government?

The benfits of so called defensive optimisim is reality. I do not claim to be right but I claim the need for right things to advanced in support of residents

I suspect you are a very decent human being and I appreciate your input as it is akin to the type of open discussion usd in my business meetings but the nature of this dispute can't be reconciled with a "trust me"attitude some of us need more substanative fact.

Personal Best Regards: