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Old 12-19-2012, 01:33 PM
Advogado Advogado is offline
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
This issue can be drawn out for many years no matter which side prevails this time. If The Villages (Morse) prevails, the IRS could appeal. If the IRS prevails, Morse will appeal.

It is a battle of lawyers. Remember that Gary Morse (The Villages) can afford the best tax attorneys. The government has government attorneys who most likely would be working private practice if they were excellent lawyers.

Remember how the government attorneys were in high profile cases like the OJ Simpson trial and the Casey Anthony trial. Even though it sure looked like slam dunks for the government (prosecution) side, the defense (high priced private practice) attorneys won acquittals for their clients. Also, remember how the Morse family got into trouble about elk hunting on their own land in Wyoming and so many posters on this forum were sure they were going to do prison time. Hey, attorneys to the rescue and the Morse family prevailed (and in my opinion, justice was served).
At the risk of being repititious, it is not Gary Morse who is paying the attorneys in this case. It is, in essence, us. Our amenity fees are being used to defend transactions that resulted in huge profits to the Developer. If the IRS is correct, those profits were illegimately earned at the expense of the US taxpayers, who subsidized the bonds sold to pay the Developer those profits.