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Old 01-06-2013, 11:52 AM
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Taltarzac725 Taltarzac725 is offline
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Posted comment: Back when we were kids, we all knew someone labeled as silly, nerdy or very awkward. Today they may very well be diagnosed as A.S..

Whoa Nellie. I'm hearing way too many negatives here about Aspies. I have a friend with Asperger's. She is smart, honest, dependable, and always tells the truth.
My mom had the flu when I was born so I went through a period of awkwardness, shyness, etc. Even believe I was diagonized as Autistic when I was 6 or so in Wisconsin. Never really found myself until an English teacher Mrs. Mitchell at Wooster High School in Reno, Nevada saw something in me worthwhile. She also got a lot of the others teachers at Wooster High on my side. Not at least one of the Administrators though as she pulled me into her office after Mrs. Mitchell honored me and another student with the Michelle Mitchell Memorial Scholarship. She said I was not one of the "right kids" to get a Scholarship.

More teachers like Mrs. Mitchell could probably stop the next James Holmes or Adam Lanza if they take an interest in that strange kid as Mrs. Mitchell did with me in 1975-1976.

Another Wooster High School student who had problems with high school was the Tour de France winner Greg LeMond Greg LeMond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia who was a few years behind me but was in high school about the same time as my younger brother. The official site of Greg LeMond

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 01-07-2013 at 09:11 AM.