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Old 01-26-2013, 11:05 AM
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Madelaine Amee Madelaine Amee is offline
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Default Thank you

Originally Posted by Russ_Boston View Post
It does not take 7-8 hours to get you out of the hospital once you are discharged. I do it every day at TVRH. Perhaps you had 'some' doctor who told you you could go home but I gurantee it was not your admitting doctor. Once the admit doctor says you can go and signs the papers I usually have you out the door in about 1.5 hours, many times less.

What quite often happens is that some consultant doctor (cardio, neuro etc.) says that you are clear to go but the attending physician of record (who sees you every day at least once) must clear you and sign the order. If a consulting doc ever tells you that you can go make sure that he/she has the authority to do so from the attending doc.

I write these things because although TVRH has some issues that need to be worked through I don't like misinformation. In fact our charge nurses are on our butt to make sure we discharge ASAP. We have to clear room for ER patients ready to come up.
Thank you for bringing some professionalism to this thread! I am from the suburbs of Boston where I had my choice of probably five of the best hospitals in the U.S., but you could not walk into the ER and get seen immediately. I was a patient at the Boston Beth Israel and it was a "factory" compared to the treatment we have received here!

My other half was an emergency "life or death" patient at TV hospital and his treatment and care was above reproach.
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