Thread: Marijuana
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Old 02-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Roaddog53 Roaddog53 is offline
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Hmmm. I am not for or against it. Depending on who is discussing it they will tell their side of why or why not it should be legalized. obviously you hear the medicinal sides but than the paranoia sides. To each there own. But.. What is the difference than between alcohol that we know is bad and causes all kinds of concerns that is legal but taxed heavily; cigarettes the same thing. Look what prohibition cost to try and control liquor. Sure we can say more stoners on the roads now along with drunks. Go on and on.
Looking on the brighter side, we could reduce the law enforcement agencies such as the DEA, locals, trying to do their thing on this and their enormous budgets, AND make more monies for the governments at the same time to blow on other issues. Just some thoughts.