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Old 02-22-2013, 09:59 AM
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billethkid billethkid is offline
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after the prebuild application the original applicator will give the resident the option to retain coverage of protection continuity.....this is accomplished by paying the annual fee to "renew" prevention continuity.

If you opt to not do so you are on your own in the event termites are discovered.....5 years later. You will have to have an inspection by any new provider....and if termites are discovered you will still be on your own to make that repair to be able to pass inspection of any new provider.

The choice is yours be safe or is not unheard of to have termites in less than 5 years even in a treated property.

Good luck.

PS when we had termites discovered in our 2 year old home in SC we were lucky because the homes there were built up off the ground with a crawl space, so repairs were easy to do. Here it is knock out a wall or get the jack hammers to work!!!!!!!!