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Old 03-01-2013, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
Maybe, she is an acquired taste? I did watch all of her performance last night but I heard very few good notes. She seemed to me screaming in some other language much of the time. I do understand passion for your songs but....

YES, I agree. Thank you for being honest. We both think she looks like she escaped from a lunatic asylum. Sorry, can't be politically correct when the talent just is not there.

We've watched American Idol since day one...........this is the worst year ever for contestants........yes, we always got a chuckle out of the truly poor performers in the auditions....but this year it was like a freak show.

Last year I picked Phillip Phillips and he WON. I was thinking from the mindset of the little teenbopper girls who buy the records and scream at the cute we did for Elvis!!!!! and the Beatles.

But, I do NOT see Zoanette as an American Idol at all.
For what age group would that be?

She can't sing for beans. I probably cannot say what I thought she was.
It's sad that perhaps some other good the little Arab girl with the guitar, aged 15, was passed over for , as my dear sainted mom would say, a "floozie"........

We both thought this was the worst year ever of American Idol.
Our favorite show remains "THE AMAZING RACE".........

Again, we watched our recording...........but this past elimination, much better girls were eliminated for the sake of Zoanette. It's not a pity party because of their sad started out as a "talent" show.