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Old 03-14-2013, 06:16 PM
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billethkid billethkid is offline
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isn't there something right about finding so many knives??

I think so. So the TSA says because they find so many they can't do their job!!
Isn't finding the knives doing the job?

But let me try to understand. When the powers that be decided no knives, knitting needles, tweezers, etc were a danger there must have been a reason for that decision. Now because they are finding too many ut is called a distraction????

So a box cutter with less than an inch of blade exposed is still a danger....but a knife with a 2" exposed blade is not.

There is something very stupid going on here. And these are the brainiacs charged with our safety......I think not.

This decision only ubderscores what the rest of the world knows about our airport is a political joke run by bobble heads.
