Thread: IRS/Bond Issue
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Old 03-15-2013, 11:28 AM
Advogado Advogado is offline
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Originally Posted by Xavier View Post
Oh, I know that the official decree has not been presented yet. I can wait.

Gee, I wonder how I would know that at least two of the "Negative Nellies" would already have posted. I could have picked them by name without hesitation. They must absolutely hate waking up each day in The Villages! As my mother would have stated, "Some people aren't happy unless they are unhappy!" My Mom was soooooooooooo bright. I miss her wisdom every single day. Don't let them urinate on yet another GREAT DAY IN THE VILLAGES.

There is a difference between being a "Negative Nelly" and not having my head in the clouds. I have had enough experience with business evaluations and taxes to know that the developer and Center Districts have a tough fight here with respect to pricing-- not to mention the other two issues raised by the IRS.

Unless you know something that I don't, it doesn't appear that the IRS has agreed with any of the statements made by the developer's attorney and in-crowd and quoted as gospel in the article. If you are interested in understanding what is going on, and not just in name calling, I would sugest that you both read the POA Bulletins and go to and click on IRS Updates.