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Old 03-15-2013, 01:04 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by kimball View Post
Around 10:00 AM I noticed what appeared to be a sick animal among the bushes in my back yard. I sprung into action. My first call was to Neighborhood Watch. Their quick response was that they would come and get it, only however if it was dead. They referred me to Animal Control where I learned that our esteemed Sumter County government in action would come to pick up the animal, provided however that it was a dog or cat and not a beast of the wild. They referred me to the County Board of Health. In the meantime, I was able to determine that the sick animal was in fact a Raccoon. The Board of Health was equally helpful. The Lady who initially took my call didn’t have a clue what to tell me. Eventually I was turned over to a Gentleman who offered the following possible solution. The only way we can get involved is if someone was bitten by the Coon and it was rabid, in which case they would issue a dispatch order to pick up the beast. The ultimate solution was to call a gentleman referred both by Neighborhood Watch and The Health Bureau. The Gentleman responded from Leesburg in about 45 minutes and fairly quickly trapped and killed (it’s the law) the Raccoon. Bottom line out of pocket cost to local and County government agencies was zero. . My cost was $179 which I later found out was the same amount that several prior callers and/or neighbors refused to pay. I actually feel good about doing what I considered my civic duty to do something about an issue that could have affected many members of the community. In conclusion, I offer a simple question to our local and County elected officials ; why couldn’t some of my Amenity Fee and Tax Dollars have been used to solve this issue and to lighten my personal financial burden? Oh, maybe it's got to do with the fact that elected officials make the rules.
thanks for spending the $179. I think.
Use of tax dollars, yes, Amenity fees, no.
I suggest you do contact your county elected officials since they probably don't read every/any post on TOTV. You can begin with one of the county commisioners.