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Old 03-15-2013, 07:26 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Originally Posted by Mack184 View Post
Absolutely correct. When Michael Phelps is training for the Olympics he eats 20,000 calories a day. Anybody seen Michael Phelps lately? Sorry..I couldn't find his beer gut from all that eating.
I live in Real-ville, (along with a famous person that you might know) and the average person in the U.S. is overweight. To think that they will all suddenly become super athletes is not realistic.

We keep hearing about the link to weight and diabetes. Yes, that's true. However, there are many other factors relating to diabetes. A great deal of it is genetics. I am diabetic. I was adopted as an infant. I was never at all interested in finding my "birth" family. A couple of years ago by accident they found me. I found that I had 7 bio-brothers & sisters. Virtually everyone with a dose of that family's blood has diabetes. Everyone. Doesn't matter if they are as skinny as a broom handle or big as a house. If you're in that family you will develop diabetes.

I've had two doctors tell me that genetics plays a huge part in whether or not you contract diabetes. Genetics also plays a large role in diseases such as autism, food allegies and so on. Would some people here who are so angry towards heavy and/or diabetic people for "costing them money" show the same anger & hatred for someone with autism or other diseases that have genetic triggers?
Genetic excuses can only be made for a very small percentage of the population. The vast majority of people are overweight and obese because of poor lifestyle choices.

Probably not.. because there is a feeling..touted by many..that people who are overweight are lazy and of a "lower class". So overweight=diabetes which=people of a lower class, and because "WE" of a higher class know better & are thus superior "WE" have the right to force our superior knowledge on these people because "WE" know better. Hogwash!
Straw man alert! Straw man alert! No one on this thread ever said that overweight people are lazy, dumb or lower class.