Thread: IRS/Bond Issue
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Old 03-16-2013, 04:38 AM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Default Negative Nellies Not

Folks I am not interested in name calling nor pre-judging. Instead I would suggest that the folks being called negative are only delivering bad news not creating it . People were not appaulding Ritchie for her campaign against the Developer but only because they finally had a factual accounting and in fact the only accountig of this IRS action which force the Developer via Daily Sun and the VCCDD to begin reporting on it

As to the appraisal issue perhaps you folksshould read the filings ? If you did you would get an eye full We as residents do no know if the allegations are true or untrue but if true then the basis for valuing assets well overstated and the income stream from amenities also overstated. Lastly this process only used appraisal firms, etc that were used excusively by the Developer and upon which the Developer had exclusive control. The same firms he is still using in connection with developing T he Villages. If true it was a conflict of interest and we did not have the benefit of independent verification. It would be like Iran having their people verify that they have not built nukes and the USA agreeing to it