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Old 03-16-2013, 06:12 AM
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Deed Compliance is, indeed, a complaint driven process. Probably no one wants the Deed Police to patrol the area and write citations. The ARC responds to requests for approval and/or complaints - not a perfect system but the best we have. It works OK but the more public involvement (complaints over violations?) the better it would work.

As for making exceptions, not a good idea. For years exceptions were made (not exactly by the ARC though, in all fairness) for "For Sale" signs in yards. What a ballyhoo that eventually caused. Turns out the long history of ignoring enforcement meant they gave up the right to enforcement it. What was "OK" for For Sale signs for a week or so got out of control with "For Rent" signs that stayed up forever and a few other items. Now enforcement of that deed restriction is questionable - too much history of non-enforcement.