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Old 03-18-2013, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Villages PL View Post
I didn't mean any disrespect by using "onions". I use onions in my cooking everyday and I value them highly in my diet. On the other hand, I don't eat oranges because I prefer grapefruit. I eat grapefruit almost every day as part of my health regimen.

You say you feel free here. Well, I do too. But it's not because of a lack of restrictions. We have plenty of restrictions. I think we like it because we see the benefits of having them.

Sorry, I don't have time to complete this thought. To be continued:
I appreciate your thoughts and ideas, Villages PL. Just adding my two cents. I see the benefits of restrictions, both in the condo and here.

We did balk and fight, however when the builder up there arbitrarily decided there would be no satellite tv allowed. We fought back and won. It was against the FCC regs, what he was doing. So in my opinion, restrictions are okay (you know about them up front and choose to accept them when you decide to live in a certain place)... unless they are unlawfully infringing upon people's rights.