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Old 03-19-2013, 06:55 AM
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billethkid billethkid is offline
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make sure you take note of how tall the ones you are contemplating grow. That eye level nice looking palm now may go to 30 feet.

We put in several queen palms. They look very nice and are inexpensive. However, if I had to do it over again I would not choose queen palms. They do get very tall very fast. They require constant trimming otheir fronds to stay looking nice. And they produce seed pods several times a year that if they are not removed before they open you have a mess of almost golf ball sized seeds all around the tree. The seed pods are huge and the seed bunch are equally huge. Queen palms grow at an amazingly fast rate!!!!

They do attract everything. Roaches, ants, mice, squirrels and yes sometimes snakes.

Sylvesteri and pindo and others like them are much, MUCH easier to maintain and do look very "Floridy".

Good luck.
