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Old 03-20-2013, 02:11 AM
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Angry NO NO Not invented

Originally Posted by gamby View Post
fibromyalgia didn't exist until the drug Co's came up with a drug to treat it;
Doctors would tell their patients it was something else and there was no such thing as fibromyalgia .

There is a possible connection to Lyme disease but Lyme disease and
co/ infections have been disputed for 30 years now . Yet some research
claims 200,000 people a year are infected with lyme.

Modern Medicine ???:
Not invented finally recognized. Fibromyalgia was ignored and said to be all in your head until recent times. They said it was what women got when they were depressed or lazy. They have found an inflammation of the nerve endings that they have no certain cause for. They only thing they are sure of is that it is somehow connected to Serotonin uptake which is a monoamine neurotransmitter. That is why the medications that they give for it are very similar and sometimes the same as those that are for clinical depression.
To say an illness that you don't have was invented is mean spirited. I am in pain every day and it is not funny at all. The day my mother tried to kill herself because she was tired of living with the pain wasn't funny either. All you who think is a laugh make me sick. I just hope you come down with something and think how funny you think it is.